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Resting Prevents Burnout

  An important half of our brain lights up and makes new connections when we’re actually at rest, which helps foster innovation and creativity.   Because so many distractions preoccupy the modern world, we have to be intentional to have what previous generations did.   Donate Here: Website:

Why Would God Punish Jesus for My Sins?

  You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Why would God punish Jesus for what I did? It’s barbaric and abusive for God to require a blood sacrifice from his own son for sins Jesus didn’t even commit. It sounds like ‘cosmic child abuse’.”   What would you say?   The next time someone says,

How to Have a Conversation: When Under Pressure

You’re in a conversation and suddenly an assertion is leveled against your view and you don’t know how to answer it. Now maybe you’ve forgotten the reasoning or evidence, or maybe haven’t done your research in the first place.   What would you say?   The What Would You Say videos are a great way

Is Jesus God?

  You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Jesus was a good teacher, but he wasn’t God.”   What would you say?   Many people instinctively like Jesus, but they’re not ready to call him God. They want him to be another Moses, Confucius, or Buddha. They want him to be just a wise human

What’s the Point of Going to Church?

  You’re in a conversation and someone says, “I’m a Christian but I don’t go to church because I don’t get anything from it.”   What would you say?   Many Christians practice a do-it-yourself faith. While a majority of the population still claims to be Christian, church attendance is at a historic low. Clearly,

Was the Resurrection of Jesus Faked?

  You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Jesus didn’t actually rise from the dead. The resurrection story was faked.”   What would you say?   Many ancient Biblical authors seemed to see and experience the risen Jesus, and it’s difficult to explain these varied group experiences as simultaneous delusions or coincidental errors. Maybe that’s

Does Advocating for Religious Liberty Hurt Our Christian Witness?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Standing up for religious liberty is bad for Christian witness. After all, aren’t Christians supposed to turn the other cheek?” What would you say? Sometimes people think that Christians who advocate for religious liberty do so at the cost of their Christian witness. They assume that defending religious

Don’t Impose Your Religious Beliefs on Me

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Religious people shouldn’t be allowed to impose their beliefs on others. Keep your faith between you and your God.” What would you say? Sometimes, people think that as long as the government doesn’t regulate what someone says or does inside a church building, they are respecting religious freedom.

It’s Not a Religion, It’s a Relationship?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Religion is full of hypocrites. Christianity is a relationship, not a religion.” What would you say? Some people claim that practicing religion and having a relationship with Jesus are opposites. They think of religion as legalistic, hypocritical, and judgmental. Jesus on the other hand was loving and forgiving

Did Jesus Really Exist?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “No one even knows if Jesus even existed.” What would you say? While some skeptics on the internet often contend that Jesus never existed, no serious scholar does. In fact, virtually every scholar of history, including those who aren’t Christians, believe that Jesus of Nazareth existed and that

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