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Once a Woman, Always a Woman?

  As a Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked to define “woman.” She responded, “I’m not a biologist.”   That was just a week after a biological male won the NCAA women’s swimming championship.   Ironically, many who remained silent on what a woman is during the NCAA championship have not been silent

Most People DON’T Agree with Trans Ideology

  A new poll, commissioned by Summit Ministries with national survey firm McLaughlin & Associates, suggests that there is a gap between what people believe and what they’re willing to say.     Some 64% of those polled believe that “transgenderism is not a healthy human condition.” However, while 30% indicated they are willing to

Quick Take: The NCAA and Transgender Athletes

Having conversations about the NCAA and Transgender Athletes? Remember these two things: No one is banning transgender athletes from sports. The proposed measures are only to prohibit biological males who identify as females from competing against biological females. The fact that these protections are only needed one way tells you everything you need to know

Is Transgenderism Logical?

You’re in a conversation and someone says “our personal sense of our own gender is what determines what our gender is. The only way to know someone’s gender is to ask.” What would you say? Today, some people distinguish between biological sex and gender identity. We’re told they are unrelated, meaning your body has nothing

You Can’t Be Gay If Gender Is Invisible

The “LGBTQ” acronym is everywhere. This movement that has its own flag, is called a “community,” and claims to be united on important core beliefs. But is that true? What would you say? Though we’ve been conditioned to think of “LGBTQ” as a singular movement, the deepest beliefs of those in the transgender community directly

It’s Fair for Boys to Play Girls Sports If They Say They’re Girls

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Transgender athletes should be able to participate on whatever sports teams they choose. Girls’ sports should be open to anyone who says they are female.” What would you say? Some people think that gender is determined by how you feel and identify, not by your biology. So, if

Transgenderism Depends On Stereotypes

You’re in a conversation about sex and someone says that accepting transgender theory is necessary for our society to tear down harmful stereotypes about men and women? What would you say? Far from destroying sex stereotypes, transgender theory depends on rigid stereotypes about what it means to be a man or a woman. 1. Parents

If Conversion Therapy Is Bad, Why Is Sex Reassignment Good?

One trick of LGBT activists is changing the meaning of words. We see this in the way LGBT activists celebrate sex reassignment as gender affirmation but condemn conversion therapy as sex reassignment. Let’s imagine there is a 6 year-old boy named Johnny and Johnny experiences gender dysphoria. He says he wants to be a girl.

Does Sex Reassignment Make People Happy?

You’re in a conversation and someone says “if you deny people sex reassignment surgery, they’re going to kill themselves. Is that what you want?” What would you say? First, it’s important to recognize what they’re trying to say. They care about people. They want them to be happy. That’s something we have in common. But

How Do Transgender Activists View Sex and Gender?

Sexual orientation and gender identity are very different. What is the difference between gender vs sexuality? In this video we will explore how gender expression, gender identity, and sexuality is often explained by transgender activists. What would you say?

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